The ABC of your dream bedroom

The bedroom is an important space in the home

Every apartment or house inevitably has a sleeping area - the space where you sleep and rest. Although this room, known as the oasis of relaxation, is extremely important, its interior design and style are often overlooked, with more attention being paid to the kitchen or living room, where guests are entertained and food is served. Unfortunately, getting the bedroom right is very important - the quality of your sleep and rest, your mood and your attitude to the day's work will depend on the interior of this room. Here are a few tips to help you plan and furnish the bedroom of your dreams.

Space and window planning

A spacious and large bedroom is the dream of almost every newcomer. It has always been known that the more spacious and wider a room is, the better a person feels and the more unrestricted their movements and thoughts. When planning the dimensions of a sleeping room, it is advisable to allocate around 20 square metres, which is considered to be the most comfortable and cosy space. But the question is, what if you can't plan a spacious bedroom? This is a very common question these days, when housing is optimal but not very spacious. Don't despair - there is a rational solution to this situation. You can use large windows to create a visually larger bedroom space and to provide light. In fact, it is suggested to place the windows on the eastern side of the room, as the morning sunlight will help you to start the day with an invigorating and joyful feeling.

Provence interior

Although the recent boom in minimalist and cool interiors is gaining popularity, it's not to everyone's taste - most people are longing for warm colours and small statues in their bedroom. Provençal interiors, popular in France, are cosy, calming and cheerful. For this kind of style, warm, slightly faded colours such as milk, olive or pink should be used in the room. Fabrics are also very important - linen, cotton or silk fabrics will bring a definite spring feel to your bedroom. It's true that floral fabrics are the best way to reflect the Provence style. A French room should have at least a hint of antiquity, which is why it's a good idea to go for an aged floor. Decoupage details, small statues, flowers and candelabras are all components that will enrich your French bedroom.

Central object - bed

Bedroom design experts suggest that the optimal solution is to leave at least 60 cm of space around the bed for free walking or carpeting. But again, the question is - what if the dimensions of the bedroom are much smaller? No matter how small your bedroom may seem, don't be afraid to choose a large bed - after all, the quality of your sleep is the most important thing. In this case, the space around the bed can be left empty or, on the contrary, the bed can be pushed up against the wall to save space in the room. Similarly, if you choose a large bed, you can turn it into a focal point of the room's interior - bright bedspreads, multi-coloured cushions or a grand bedside wall will create the look you want. However, it's a good idea to put a rug next to the bed to make it cosy and warm to get out of bed in the morning.


And don't forget the light fittings in your dream bedroom. The main rule of thumb when designing a bedroom interior is the importance of a central light fixture. Forget the old-fashioned, rather clumsy chandeliers and opt for modern, minimal Scandinavian chandeliers, which are not only easy to use, but also add a very subtle touch to your bedroom. But a central chandelier isn't enough - you also need chandeliers above the bed, at the head of the bed, to create an intimate sleeping space. This type of light will not only create a cosy and calm atmosphere, but will also be comfortable for reading or browsing. And don't forget the floor lamps on bedside tables - they're a great interior detail.

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