July 2018

Gazele spalvotas logotipas


GAZELĖ 2017 Norime pasidžiaugti \”Gazelė 2017\” apdovanojimu, tai įvertinimas ir ženklas, kad papuolėme į Lietuvos sparčiausiai augančių bendrovių sąrašą. Šis pripažinimas, mums malonus siurprizas, nors reikia prisipažinti, kad jau keli metai siekiame stabilumo, tobulėjimo, intensyviai dirbame gerėjimo linkme. \”Gazelės\” ženklas  mums pristato kaip: * Sparčiai augančią ir sėkmingą verslo įmonę; * Rekomenduojamą verslą klientams; * Pagarbos […]

GAZELLE 2017 Read More "

How to choose the right furniture for your home or office?

When you want to build the home of your dreams, it's important not to get lost in the plethora of decisions and purchases. Lots of furniture, lots of colours and lots of temptations become major obstacles. However, there are a few guidelines that will help you furnish your home or office in an elegant and, above all, optimal way. Kitchen furniture Here's the biggest headache of all: choosing the right kitchen furniture. Different worktops, different configurations

How to choose the right furniture for your home or office? Read More "

Furniture on hire purchase!

You dream of new furniture, a cosy home... but you also want a holiday! You won't have to make that choice if you lease! Since June this year, our furniture has been available on Moki Leasing. You can find out more about the service and the conditions at https://www.mokilizingas.lt/ Take advantage of all the services that make life easier and get the furniture of your dreams. Plan, create and enjoy...

Furniture on hire purchase! Read More "

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